Monday, November 24, 2014

DTTN in Plymouth

Drawn to the Night in Plymouth...our last month drawing at Plymouth Arts Council

 smaller turnout than previous weeks. But still interesting and fun...
5 min to 20 min sketches....

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Blaze-Thru Comics in Plymouth

Brand New store in Plymouth....BLAZE-THRU Comics.

Come down and visit...Weekends and Wednesdays

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Frame 8

It was all for the love of candy!
Been gone a has kept me busy...more SuperCow in the works....just having trouble finding time and motivation lately:(

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Super Cow Frame 7

Here is our next frame in our Super Cow story.  I dropped off the full comic to the second grade class just before Halloween.  I left them the challenge of finishing the story on their own. I promised to come back after the new year to see what they come up with.  Some started to sketch even before I finished handing out the books to the rest of the class.  I would not be surprised if many will lose the book over time but I plan on showing my next pages to them as I go.